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Planning Board Minutes September 05, 2002
(603) 798-4350


PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Dave Colbert, Stan Brehm, Dave Holmes, Ron Lesieur, Harold Arey and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and asked the members of the Board to review the minutes of August 1, 2002.

The following corrections were made to the minutes:

The following correction was made to the July 11, 2002 minutes: under the corrections for June 6, 2002, Page 1, under public hearing Amerada Hess, reads:  change to: Slight variations had been made to add and island which will be placed at…change to read: Slight variations had been made to add an island which will be placed at…

Design Review for Mr. Marsh, Abutters present: Mr. Southwick should be changed to Mr. Brochu.  

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Dan Conlin/Conlin Auto
                                                Site Review – Multi Use
                                                Auto Sales & 2 Residences
                                                Map 2, Lot 87, Dover Road

No abutters were present.

Mr. Conlin presented the Board with plans for the new addition. Mr. Conlin will need updated state septic and driveway approvals. Mr. Conlin will remove Dover Road from the locust map.

Design Review was closed.

CHICHESTER PLANNING BOARD MEETING 9/5/02                      PAGE 2

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Dan Conlin/Conlin Auto
                                                Site Review – Multi Use
                                                Auto Sales & 2 Residences
                                                Map 2, Lot 87, Dover Road
No abutters were present.

Mr. Conlin presented the Board with plans for the new addition. Mr. Conlin will need updated state septic and driveway approvals. Mr. Conlin will remove Dover Road from the locust map.

Motion was made to accept with the updated state septic and driveway approvals.

                        Arey/Lesieur                    (PASSED)

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Earl Weir
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 7, Lots 4 & 5, Hilliard Road

Abutters present: Louise Lavertu and Joan Hallquist.

Mr. Weir presented the Board with plans for this project. This was originally subdivision. The two lots will exchange acreage, lot 5 will become 10 acres and lot 4 will become 55 acres.

The Board requested that the new lot 5 have setbacks and the new lots both have clarity of the actual lot boundaries.

Mr. Weir would like to continue with Public Hearing in October.

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Pat Dalbec
                                                Site Review – Home Occupation
                                                Map 4, Lot 153, Dover Road

Called left message, unable to attend.

Letter to the Selectmen.

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Larry Leppard
                                                Site Review – Rental & Retail Shop
                                                Map 4, Lot 30, Dover Road
No show.

Letter to the Selectmen
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DISCUSSION:                             Jean Vile – Mark Cronis Property
                                                Site Review – Office & Auto Sales
                                                Map 4, Lot 155B, Cross & Dover Roads

Ms. Vile would like to obtain an auto dealer’s license so they can purchase and sell cars from this site. Ms. Vile is a tenant and does not intend to change anything.

Because of the Multi-use business it is a change of use, therefore site review will need to be done.

Ms. Vile will contact the secretary when she is ready to proceed.

DISCUSSION:                             Gary DePalma/Gary’s RV
                                                Site Review – Final approvals
                                                Map 3, Lot 10, Dover Road

Mr. DePalma presented final approval letters from the state.

He will have final plans and mylar to the secretary as soon as they are done.

DISCUSSION:                             Carl Merrill
                                                Map 10, Lot 2, Healy Pasture Road

Tim Bernier, Registered Land Surveyor, presented plans to the Board for this 5-lot subdivision and possibly a lot line adjustment.

With the plans Mr. Bernier presented the Board was in agreement the Design Review/Public hearing could be set for October.

DISCUSSION:                             Eleanor Daroska
                                                Map 3, Lot 88, King Road

Mr. Stout presented the Board with a drawing of the property. The intention is to cut the parcel in as close to half as possible. The actual division will be based on where the driveway can be located on each parcel.

Test pits have been done. A Soil Scientist has been out to test the soil and it all is residential soils.

Would like to move forward with Design Review/Public Hearing in October.

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A letter was read from a concerned citizen about impact fees.

Letters from the Selectmen concerning impact fees were read.

A letter will be drafted to respond to the Selectmen’s concerns.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Colbert/Arey                    (Passed)